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三菱 三菱-RTD Input 模块 Channel Isolated RTD Input 模块 用户手册(硬件).pdf
所属类别:三菱 >> 伺服系统

Store this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read it
whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.


Do not write data into the "system area" of the buffer memory of intelligent
function modules. Also, do not use any "prohibited to use" signals as an
output signal to an intelligent function module from the PLC CPU.
Writing data into the "system area" or outputting a signal for "prohibited to
use" may cause a PLC system malfunction.

Do not bunch the control wires or communication cables with the main
circuit or power wires, or install them close to each other.
They should be installed 100 mm(3.94 inch) or more from each other.
Not doing so could result in noise that may cause malfunction.
